Monday, November 26, 2012

Spaghetti with balls!

So, Meatballs spaghetti (spaghetti con polpette) is a recipe simple and straightforward and you should be able to not mess it up.

First you do the meatballs:
  • Put 2 bread slices in the toaster then cut them in cubes and put into the mixer.
  • Put one or 2 slice of ham in the mixer (Mortadella is better, but I don't expect you to know what it is, and if you know what it is, I expect you to already know how to do this recipe.)
  • Put 4 or 5 capers in the mixers as well
  • Add basil and/or sage and/or parsley in the mixer
  • Don't put onions unless you like to burp shit out of your mouth for the next 4 hours.
  • Now start the mixer until everything is well mixed.
  • Add the result into a bowl with the meat (mince beef) + 4 spoons of parmesan (I usually put much more parmesan, but you will not understand, so better not waste this amazing cheese with you) + 2 full eggs. Mix well with a fork until you can see something similar to this:

Now, I know you have no idea how to do a meatball, so look the video and learn!

If at the end, you don't have something like this, go here : I cannot cook

In a fried pan put a garlic, 

couple of bay leaves (if you don't have them don't worry, it just mean you don't have one of the main ingredients to cook properly,probably you live of fried chips and disgusting ready meals)

when the garlic is yellow, add the meatballs

cook medium high until they are done on all the sides. You need to follow what you are cooking, don't think to be able to watch your stupid comedy series while you cook this.

You see this??this is the best stock you can use. I know you don't have it, but this is what I use and it's the best. So just take one of your tasteless stock cube and put it with the meatballs and cover everything with tomato sauce and cook it low/medium for MINIMUM 45 minutes.

Ok, when the meatballs and the sauce are ready cook the spaghetti. IMPORTANT : put 1 full spoon of salt in the water before the spaghetti.

taste the spaghetti while cooking them...DON' T LET THEM OVERCOOK for god sake.
Mix everything now.

Add parmesan, done!!