Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tiramisu like mia mamma

To prepare the Tiramisu like mia mamma you need 120 grams of sugar, 4 eggs, some rum, mascarpone, savoiardi, cacao and my mom.

So, prepare 120 grams of sugar

Make 3 long coffees and put them in a bowl adding 4 spoons of good rum (what?you only have cheap spar shite??Jesus spend the fucking money for something good for God's sake).

Ok, now, take 4 eggs and divide the yellow from the white

Get ready with the Mascarpone.

Mix the yolks for a good 5 minutes. Then add all the sugar and keep mixing for another 5 minutes.
Then add all the Mascarpone and guess what!! keep mix for another 5 minutes!

Now we do the white. Add a pinch of salt and mix until you see the snow in the bowl which is after a minimum 3-5 mins max speed. If you are Irish you may have only seen rain in your life, so have a look here for a picture of snow

If after a few minutes, you see something similar as the picture below, then stop mixing otherwise take inspiration from Kurt Cobain and help humanity.
To check if the snow is ready, try to upside down the bowl, if it stay attached to the bowl then it's ready.

HAhahaha,  don't tell me you really put the bowl upside you need to kick your dog in the balls and clean the floor you idiot.

Here we go, the yellow done and the white done.

Now we need to mix them. Add a bit of white  at a time and ALWAYS mix from down to up.

Keep adding the white until all is in the bowl with the yellow.

You need to use the Savoiardi. There is no other biscuits you can use!! 

Now, it's simple. You take a container and:
You dive completely one biscuit into the coffee for about 5 secs and then you put it in the tray. You keep going until you cover all the base of the tray. 
Once this is done, you cover all the Savoiardi biscuits with half of the cream you prepared before.
Then cover with dark chocolate powder.

Then do another Savoiardi layer (remember to put them in the coffee for 5 secs, if you don't have enough coffee prepare some more or add a bit of water).

Cover again with the rest of the cream and chocolate powder.

Put the Tiramisu in the fridge for at least 6 hours before eating it.

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